What should I know before subscribing

Before you subscribe, or buy a camera, you should be aware of certain facts.
Does your Internet subscription allow you to transmit images without additional costs? In general, each image transmitted to our servers has a weight of 45k. Your camera transmits 4 images a minute to our servers. This is a flow of 180k/minute per camera. In one month each camera will have transmitted around 7.5G information to our servers. Study your Internet plan to optimize your account from your internet provider.
Does your cellular subscription allow you to receive messages and images at no additional cost? On top of your regular plan, several cellular phone companies will charge you a fee for received Texto messages or browsing the Internet. Study your cellular plan to optimize your account with your cellular provider.
Do you have a communication port available on your modem or router? The cameras will be connected to your personnel network using an RJ45 connector. Make sure you have a connection port connection available for connection.
What is the ProtectView.com's responsibility and yours? It is very important to read the policies and conditions of use of our services as well as ProtectView's confidentiality policy before purchasing a subscription.